Monday, October 31, 2011

My reflection

I thought this class was a very fun class. Even though I hate typing, I liked the class and I think a lot more people should have taken it because it is very instering. I enjoyed blogging because it was a fun thing to do. My favorite blog was " The Life Or A. " I liked that one because I got to write about my favorite thing to do. My least favorite blog was "A current event." That was my least favorite because I didn't really care for it that much. I like blogging because you can write about anything you want and say whatever you want. Blogging has changed my writing because you can express what you are feeling and not care what everybody else thinks. I didn't really like blogging because everything had to be 250 word's and we write everyday. After a while you don't know what to say. I also liked blogging because you can listen to music and just think of what to say. I think more people should blog and let everybody know what they think about something. Blogging is for everybody and anybody can do it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day in a life with skateboarding

The normal day start's off with with Cody stretching and then just riding around. When Cody first rides his board he can tell if it is going to be a good day or not, if it is going to be a bad day, he doesn't skate that day. After he get's all warmed up, Cody goes around and actually goes skateboarding. He usually start's off skating boxes and rail's and when he get's the easy trick's down, he will start to try harder trick's. When Cody fall's, he get's really pissed and start's swearing a lot. After Cody get's board of being somewhere, he will go to his truck and drive to   another skate park or to a set of stair's. The most favoring thing Cody like's to skate is boxes and rail's and sometime's stair's. When it start's to get dark, Cody goes to a spot with light's and skate's until he get's tired. After he get's tired, he will just mess around until he wants to leave. After he leaves he usually goes somewhere and get's something to eat and then goes and skate's a little more, then finally goes home.

Viking's lost again

The viking's lost again to the Green Bay Packer's on 2011. The Vikings' loss at Green Bay on Sunday was the most-watched and highest-rated game in the in 2011. There were almost eight teen million people watching the game. I think the viking's just suck now. They use to be a good team now they just do it for the money. My favorite player has to be Jared Allen. He kick's butt every time. The player's are not playing as a team, they are playing for themselves. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Girl skateboard's: My review

In my option Girl skateboard's are one of the best skateboard's ever made. There and many different sizes and kinds or Girl skateboard's. They came in many different colors too. Girl skateboard sizes are: seven, seven point five, five, seven point eight, seven point nine, eight, eight point one two five, and eight point five. There are three main types of grip tape and they are: jess up, mod, and black magic. Personally i like jess up because it doesn't rip the life out of your shoes. Girl skateboard's are high quality made and they can last a while if you do not beat the crap out of it. Some have the original Girl logo but other'e have crazy, wacked out graphics. You can find about any color and variety, if you look hard enough. I think girl skateboard's are one of the best brand's you could buy or skate. Girl's have little concave so you can pop the board a lot higher. When you can pop the board a lot higher that mean's your trick's will be higher and they will look a lot better and you can improve your trick's by doing them on bigger objects.  The grove makes the board a lot easier to do flip trick's on and land them. When the grove isn't that much it will be easier to break the board in and it will make it better for the person skating the board.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

  • The blog i am looking at is about The Maloof Money Cup. I think they did a very good way of laying the blog out and the pictures they used are good. The focus of the page is on skateboarding. I like the layout of the page and how they did it. The content of the blog is very close to the focus because all they are talking about is skateboarding and how the cup went. I think the writing style of the blog is written really good, and the way they talk about to competition is amazing. I feel like I am actually at the Maloof Money Cup watching everybody skateboard. After reading the blog, I believe they do have correct grammar and punctuation throughout it. After I read it, I did get the message that they were trying to send. I think the blog was meant for any skateboarder and/or anybody to read it. Their is not anything about the author in the blog or around it. There are many thing's about the blog that I like. I like the way they set the whole page up and how the videos and pictures make it look like you are actually their watching them. I also like how the author talk's like he was talking to somebody that had no idea about what the Maloof Money Cup is and how he makes it sound so real.